Thursday, October 6, 2011


1) Gender roles & stereotypes
   - Gender role defined - " a complex cluster of ways in which males and females are expected to behave" - from human sexuality (the textbook)
   - Stereotype defined- "fixed conventional idea about a group of people" - from the textbook
2) Sexism
   - Sexism defined - " a pre judgement that because of gender a person will posess certain negative traits" - from the textbook
   - Double standards – the same actions are good for one gender but not for the other one
               - an example of this is when a guy sleeps with many girls he is seen as the man and everyone wants to be his friend, but when a girl does the same thing she is seen as a slut and nobody likes her anymore.
3) Aggression
    - Regarding gender roles & aggression both gender roles can be aggressive just in different ways.
4) Gender Typing
    A) Biological
             1) Evolutionary perspective - men have to be strong to do the heavy work
                    - need to survive women is caring and nurturing. This concept just carried on through the years.
             2) Prenatal Brain Organization - neurological perspective, everything occurs in the brain
    B) Psychological
            1) Freud - Oedipus Complex
                                 -Oedipus was a story about a man that married his mother and killed his father, Freud links this to gender
                             - He says that for the child the father is competition for the mothers attention.
            2) Social Cognitive - Blending of social relations and cognition
                                          - Learning through observation
                                          - Identification
                                          - Socialization
                                          - Observation and modeling is the main thing of this concept
            3) Cognitive Development Approach - Kohlberg
                                          - Learns concepts and ideas about gender through observation
                                          - Nations of how boys and girls are supposed to behave they see that their mother is feminine and father is masculine     
            4) Gender Schema Theory
                                         - Information processing theory
                                         - Information comes in and we process it and act upon it, respond accordingly             
5) Psychological Androgyny
    - have traits from both genders
    - Sympozium is a book written by Plato but everything that Plato writes was said by Socrates
                    - The book pretty much says that everyone used to be a hermaphrodite and then people got split in two and that is why people are attracted to the opposite sex because they miss the body parts they lost.                    

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